Growth in support of Bradwood LNG terminal?

A quote by Gary Coppedge of Northern Star in yesterday's Daily Astorian reads, "as we get information out to the community we get more letters of support. We've seen pretty substantial growth in support locally." Rubbish! If anything, opposition to the project is growing, especially from people along the pipeline route. As more and more comes out about the project, more and more people are speaking out against it. To report what in essence is a press release from Northern Star in the local newspaper amounts to heresy, if you ask me. I think the paper should back up its editorials against the project with reporting that is less slanted towards what the company says. Stick to the facts, and give people in the community more space to air their views. That's what a community paper should do.


Anonymous said…
Shell is trying to build an LNG terminal in Long Island Sound in New York. The project is called Broadwater (sounds a lot like Bradwood!). They hired PR firms to get state and local support in the planning stages of the facility but have been very sneaky about it.

Here's a great spoof on their site:

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