Geoengineering, Standardized Tests and Permaculture

My walk home from the college today was packed with great stories on the Democracy Now and Living on Earth podcasts I listened to. First, there was a story on geoengineering on Democracy Now, with a guy from Australia that seemed to have it right on the dangers of this method of combating climate change. Next up on Democracy Now was a story about how the Seattle high school students no longer have to take the MAP standardized tests in reading and math. A huge development in the fight against corporate education reform! It's especially satisfying to see this in Seattle, as we fought standardized tests when Tevan was at AS#1 in Seattle with some vigor. Love it! Go to the Scrap the Map website to learn more.

Finally, I listened to a recent podcast of Living On Earth, and there was a fantastic story about a couple of guys who bought a small plot of land in Holyoke, MA, and used the principles of permaculture to make it into an edible landscape of plants and chickens, oh my! They've got a book out, a business involving the farm, and a blog. Paradise Lot!

It's great to hear such inspiring stories in a world that feels like it's going crazy. Maybe there's hope?!


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